PRRE: Personalized Relation Ranking Embedding for Attributed Networks.


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Attributed network embedding focuses on learning low-dimensional latent representations of nodes which can well preserve the original topological and node attributed proximity at the same time. Existing works usually assume that nodes with similar topology or similar attributes should also be close in the embedding space. This assumption ignores the phenomenon of partial correlation between network topological and node attributed similarities i.e. nodes with similar topology may be dissimilar in their attributes and vice versa. Partial correlation between the two information sources should be considered especially when there exist fraudulent edges (i.e., information from one source is vague) or unbalanced data distributions (i.e, topology structure similarity and node attribute similarity have different distributions). However, it is very challenging to consider the partial correlation between topology and attributes due to the heterogeneity of these two information sources. In this paper, we take partial correlation between topology and attributes into account and propose the Personalized Relation Ranking Embedding (PRRE) method for attributed networks which is capable of exploiting the partial correlation between node topology and attributes. The proposed PRRE model utilizes two thresholds to define different node relations and employs the Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm to learn these thresholds as well as other embedding parameters. Extensive experiments results on multiple real-world datasets show that the proposed PRRE model significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art methods in terms of various evaluation metrics.
Attributed network embedding, partial correlation, relation ranking
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