Analysis of microcantilevers excited by pulsed-laser-induced photoacoustic waves.


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This study presents a simulation-based analysis on the excitation of microcantilever in air using pulsed-laser-induced photoacoustic waves. A model was designed and coded to investigate the effects of consecutive photoacoustic waves, arising from a spherical light absorber illuminated by short laser pulses. The consecutiveness of the waves were adjusted with respect to the pulse repetition frequency of the laser to examine their cumulative effects on the oscillation of microcantilever. Using this approach, oscillation characteristics of two rectangular cantilevers with different resonant frequencies (16.9 kHz and 505.7 kHz) were investigated in the presence of the random oscillations. The results show that the effective responses of the microcantilevers to the consecutive photoacoustic waves provide steady-state oscillations, when the pulse repetition frequency matches to the fundamental resonant frequency or its lower harmonics. Another major finding is that being driven by the same photoacoustic pressure value, the high frequency cantilever tend to oscillate at higher amplitudes. Some of the issues emerging from these findings may find application area in atomic force microscopy actuation and photoacoustic signal detection. (C) 2018 Optical Society of America under the terms of the OSA Open Access Publishing Agreement
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