
Changes in Visceral Adipose Tissue Plasma Membrane Lipid Composition in Old Rats Are Associated with Adipocyte Hypertrophy with Aging

˜The œjournals of gerontology Series A, Biological sciences and medical sciences(2018)

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Increased adiposity, through adipocyte hypertrophy, and/or hyperplasia, characterizes aging and obesity. Both are leptin-resistant states, associated with disturbed lipid metabolism, reduced insulin sensitivity and inflammation. Nevertheless, fat tissue dysfunction appears earlier in obesity than in normal aging. In contrast, lipodystrophy is accompanied by diabetes, and improving the fat cell capacity to expand rescues the diabetic phenotype. Fat tissue dysfunction is extensively studied in the diet-induced obesity, but remains relatively neglected in the aging-associated obesity. In the Wistar rat, as occurs in humans, early or middle aging is accompanied by an increase in adiposity. Using this experimental model, we describe the molecular mechanisms contributing to the white adipose tissue (WAT) hypertrophy. WAT from middle-old age rats is characterized by decreased basal lipogenesis and lipolysis, increased esterification, as demonstrated by the higher TAG and cholesterol content in visceral WAT, and the maintenance of total ceramide levels within normal values. In addition, we describe alterations in the adipose tissue plasma membrane lipid composition, as increased total ether-phosphatidylcholine, sphingomyelin, and free cholesterol levels that favor an enlarged fat cell size with aging. All these metabolic changes may be regarded as a survival advantage that prevents the aged rats from becoming overtly diabetic.
Adipose tissue,Lipid metabolism,Lipidomics,Ceramides,Leptin responsiveness
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