
Dataset of Spray Deposit Distribution in Vine Canopy for Two Contrasted Performance Sprayers During a Vegetative Cycle Associated with Crop Indicators (LWA and TRV)

Data in brief(2018)

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In 2016, spray deposit measurements have been carried out according to ISO22522:2007 on a vine estate (Domaine Mas Piquet, 15 ha, Languedoc). On this estate, plots vigor ranges from low to medium compared to other vineyards. On 4 days (28th April, 25th May, 23rd June and 18th July 2016), spray deposition has been measured on 5 plots of different vine varieties chosen for their distinct vigor. Two different sprayers have been used: a low performance sprayer (pneumatic arch sprayer used every 4 rows) and a high performance sprayer (air assisted side by side sprayer). Spray deposition was measured using a tracer (Tartrazine E102) sprayed on sampling 40 cm(2) PVC collectors placed within the vegetation: on each plot, 4 trees have been sampled for each sprayer. On each tree, collectors were positioned on leaves within the canopy according to a profile perpendicular to the row, following a grid 20 cm high and 10 cm wide with one collector per pixel. A total amount of 3048 collectors have been analyzed individually. The dataset provide the normalized deposit expressed per unit of leaves area for one gram of tracer sprayed per hectare (unit: ng dm(-2) for 1 g ha(-1)) on each collector. In addition, the dataset propose crop parameters measured manually on each sampled tree: inter-row distance, height, average of thickness in order to calculate two crop structure indicators: TRV (Tree Row volume) and LWA (Leaf Wall Area). (C) 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier lnc.
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