Hierarchical and Frequency-Aware Model Predictive Control for Bare-Metal Cloud Applications

2018 IEEE/ACM 11th International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing (UCC)(2018)

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Bare-metal cloud provides a dedicated set of physical machines (PMs) and enables both PMs and virtual machines (VMs) on the PMs to be scaled in/out dynamically. However, to increase efficiency of the resources and reduce violations of service level agreements (SLAs), resources need to be scaled quickly to adapt to workload changes, which results in high reconfiguration overhead, especially for the PMs. This paper proposes a hierarchical and frequency-aware auto-scaling based on Model Predictive Control, which enable us to achieve an optimal balance between resource efficiency and overhead. Moreover, when performing high-frequency resource control, the proposed technique improves the timing of reconfigurations for the PMs without increasing the number of them, while it increases the reallocations for the VMs to adjust the redundant capacity among the applications; this process improves the resource efficiency. Through trace-based numerical simulations, we demonstrate that when the control frequency is increased to 16 times per hour, the VM insufficiency causing SLA violations is reduced to a minimum of 0.1% per application without increasing the VM pool capacity.
Bare-metal cloud, frequency-aware, auto scaling, Model Predictive Control, resource reconfiguration
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