DroidCat: Effective Android Malware Detection and Categorization via App-Level Profiling

IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security(2019)

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Most existing Android malware detection and categorization techniques are static approaches, which suffer from evasion attacks, such as obfuscation. By analyzing program behaviors, dynamic approaches are potentially more resilient against these attacks. Yet existing dynamic approaches mostly rely on characterizing system calls which are subject to system-call obfuscation. This paper presents DroidCat, a novel dynamic app classification technique, to complement existing approaches. By using a diverse set of dynamic features based on method calls and inter-component communication (ICC) Intents without involving permission, app resources, or system calls while fully handling reflection, DroidCat achieves superior robustness than static approaches as well as dynamic approaches relying on system calls. The features were distilled from a behavioral characterization study of benign versus malicious apps. Through three complementary evaluation studies with 34 343 apps from various sources and spanning the past nine years, we demonstrated the stability of DroidCat in achieving high classification performance and superior accuracy compared with the two state-of-the-art peer techniques that represent both static and dynamic approaches. Overall, DroidCat achieved 97% F1-measure accuracy consistently for classifying apps evolving over the nine years, detecting or categorizing malware, 16%–27% higher than any of the two baselines compared. Furthermore, our experiments with obfuscated benchmarks confirmed higher robustness of DroidCat over these baseline techniques. We also investigated the effects of various design decisions on DroidCat’s effectiveness and the most important features for our dynamic classification. We found that features capturing app execution structure such as the distribution of method calls over user code and libraries are much more important than typical security features such as sensitive flows.
Malware,Robustness,Security,Feature extraction,Stability analysis,Libraries,Static analysis
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