A precious opportunity: Supporting women with concerns about their breastmilk supply

Australian Journal of Medical Herbalism(2013)

引用 23|浏览2
Plants in the form of foods and herbal preparations have been ingested to aid lactation across continents for many centuries (Bruckner 1993, Dioscorides 64CE, Salmon 1710). Within a contemporary context, many women continue to seek out herbal solutions when they are concerned about their milk supply. This therapeutic encounter can be a precious opportunity to provide breastfeeding support and protect the breastfeeding relationship, as perceived insufficient milk supply is one of the most common reasons for premature cessation of breastfeeding (Colin 2002, Gatti 2008). Premature cessation of breastfeeding is associated with many health risks to mothers and babies. Hence the herbalist requires a comprehensive understanding of lactation and the capacity to co-manage with a team of practitioners and support services to enable them to provide the best care for women who have concerns about their milk supply.
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