Using OpenDSA eTextbooks in Your Class (Abstract Only)

SIGCSE '16: The 47th ACM Technical Symposium on Computing Science Education Memphis Tennessee USA March, 2016(2016)

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The OpenDSA eTextbook system provides a practical way for instructors to adopt algorithm visualizations (AVs), state ma-chine simulations, and interactive practice exercises into a variety of courses, including CS2, Data Structures, Algo-rithms, Programming Languages, and Formal Languages. An OpenDSA eTextbook can be used either as a complete re-placement for your traditional textbook and assignments or as supplemental readings, auto-graded assignments, or student practice. In this workshop, we present use cases from success-ful adoption of OpenDSA into existing courses. We will guide you past the real-life hurdles and pitfalls that get in the way of using AVs, interactive exercises, and simulators. We show you how to adopt OpenDSA exercises, how to configure existing OpenDSA materials to suit your needs, and provide an over-view of how to create new AVs or exercises. This workshop is about letting you engage students with highly interactive mate-rials in ways that you have said for years that you wanted to do.
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