A hotspot analysis of water footprints and groundwater decline in the High Plains aquifer region, USA

Regional Environmental Change(2016)

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Severe groundwater depletion of the High Plains aquifer (HPA) demands sustainable utilization of water resources to ensure continued freshwater supply in the region. Considering the period 1990–2012, the region’s average water footprint (WF area ) of the major irrigated crops alfalfa, corn, cotton, sorghum, soybean and wheat has been determined as 45.72 km 3 year −1 (54 % blue, 46 % green). Clustering the HPA by groundwater decline, blue WF area and green WF area allowed for spatial differentiation of hotspots. We show that two clusters, classified as “significant” and “severe,” cover 20 % of the irrigated land, yet consume 32 % (7.94 km 3 year −1 ) of the total blue WF area . WF crop (blue and green water consumption per unit yield) is highest in the cluster “severe,” paired with the largest fraction of blue water consumption (66 %). In contrast, green water satisfies crop water demands in the northern subregion, where the lowest WF crop and the largest fraction of green water consumption occur (67 %).
SPARE:WATER, Water footprint, High Plains aquifer, Cluster analysis, Irrigation, Green and blue water
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