Synthesis of amino-substituted pyridylglyoxylamides via palladium-catalysed aminocarbonylation
Palladium-catalysed aminocarbonylation of iodopyridine model compounds (4-amino-3-iodopyridine and 3-amino-4-iodopyridine) with various primary and secondary amines including amino acid methyl esters was carried out. The two substrates behave in a completely different manner under aminocarbonylation conditions: 4-amino-3-iodopyridine gave the corresponding 2-ketocarboxamides (nicotinamide analogues) due to double carbon monoxide insertion, while 3-amino-4-iodopyridine reacted as a bifunctional substrate resulting in a dicarboxamide containing two pyridyl moieties.
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Carbonylation,Carboxamide,Palladium,Carbon monoxide,Pyridine
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