The Fragments of Fibronection (Fn-fr's 70, 45 kDa) Increase MMP-1 Expression and MMP-2 Activity in Normal Human Fibroblasts

Journal of the Society of Cosmetic Scientists of Korea(2007)

引用 23|浏览4
The alternation of extracellular matrix (ECM) protein in aging process is associated with symptoms such as wrinkling and loss of elasticity in skin. Now, the major target proteins for anti-aging have been metalloproteases and the structural proteins such as collagen and elastin. Recently, the interaction of cell and ECM proteins (collagen, fibrillin, and fibronectin) is reported to have an important role in survival, proliferation and tissue reconstruction. Fibronectin is a matrix adhesion protein which binds to collagen and integrin and degraded by serine proteases. It has been reported that fragments of fibronectin (Fn-fr's) were involved in matrix metalloproteases (MMPs) expression in osteoblast. But, the role of Fn-fr's in human skin and in skin cells has not been reported yet. Therefore, we investigated the differences of fibronectin fragmentation pattern between young and aged human skin, and demonstrated that the fragmentation of fibronectins is significantly increased in aged human skin. Also, treatment of Fn-fr's (70, 45 kDa) increased MMP-1 expression and MMP-2 activity in human dermal fibroblasts. Our results suggest that Fn-fr's as a potential new factor to accelerate skin aging.
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