An Introduction to Machine Learning Methods for Survey Researchers

Survey practice(2018)

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Machine learning techniques comprise an array of computer-intensive methods that aim at discovering patterns in data using flexible, often nonparametric, methods for modeling and variable selection. These methods offer an expansion to the more traditional methods, such as OLS or logistic regression, which have been used by survey researchers and social scientists. Many of the machine learning methods do not require the distributional assumptions of the more traditional methods, and many do not require explicit model specification prior to estimation. Machine learning methods are beginning to be used for various aspects of survey research including responsive/adaptive designs, data processing and nonresponse adjustments and weighting. This special issue aims to familiarize survey researchers and social scientists with the basic concepts in machine learning and highlights five common methods. Specifically, articles in this issue will offer an accessible introduction to: LASSO models, support vector machines, neural networks, and classification and regression trees and random forests. In addition to a detailed description, each article will highlight how the respective method is being used in survey research along with an application of the method to a common example. The introductory article will provide an accessible introduction to some commonly used concepts and terms associated with machine learning modeling and evaluation. The introduction also provides a description of the data set that was used as the common application example for each of the five machine learning methods.
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