Exploring Spatially Varying Influences on Metro-Bikeshare Transfer: A Geographically Weighted Poisson Regression Approach


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The primary objective of this study was to explore the factors that influence metro-bikeshare ridership from a spatial perspective. First, a reproducible method of identifying metro-bikeshare transfer trips was derived using two types of smart-card data (metro and bikeshare). Next, a geographically weighted Poisson regression (GWPR) model was established to explore the relationships between metro-bikeshare transfer volume and several types of independent variables, including sociodemographic, travel-related, and built-environment variables. Moran's I statistic was applied to examine the spatial autocorrelation of each explanatory variable. The modeling and spatial visualization results show that riding distance is negatively correlated with metro-bikeshare transfer demand, and the coefficient values are generally lower at the edge of the city, especially in underdeveloped areas. Moreover, the density of bus, bikeshare, and other metro stations within 2 km of a metro station has different impacts on metro-bikeshare transfer volume. Travelers whose origin or destination is entertainment related tend to choose bikeshare as a feeder mode to metro if this trip mode is available to them. These results improve our understanding of metro-bikeshare transfer spatial patterns, and several suggestions are provided for improving the integration between metro and bikeshare.
metro-bikeshare integration,transfer recognition,spatial pattern,geographical variability,geographically weighted Poisson regression modeling
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