
Multi-Center Study of Resectable Lung Lesions by Ultra-Deep Sequencing of Targeted Genes in Plasma Cell-Free DNA to Assess Nodule Malignancy and Detect Lung Cancers


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BACKGROUND: Early detection of lung cancer to allow curative treatment remains challenging. Cell-free circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) analysis may aid in malignancy assessment and early cancer diagnosis of lung nodules found in screening imagery. METHODS: The multi-center clinical study enrolled 192 patients with operable occupying lung diseases. Plasma ctDNA, white blood cell genomic DNA (gDNA) and tumor tissue gDNA of each patient were analyzed by ultra-deep sequencing to an average of 35,000X of the coding regions of 65 lung cancer-related genes. RESULTS: The cohort consists of a quarter of benign lung diseases and three quarters of cancer patients with all histopathology subtypes. 64% of the cancer patients is at Stage I. Gene mutations detection in tissue gDNA and plasma ctDNA results in a sensitivity of 91% and specificity of 88%. When ctDNA assay was used as the test, the sensitivity was 69% and specificity 96%. As for the lung cancer patients, the assay detected 63%, 83%, 94% and 100%, for Stage I, II, III and IV, respectively. In a linear discriminant analysis, combination of ctDNA, patient age and a panel of serum biomarkers boosted the overall sensitivity to 80% at a specificity of 99%. 29 out of the 65 genes harbored mutations in the lung cancer patients with the largest number found in TP53 (30% plasma and 62% tumor tissue samples) and EGFR (20% and 40%, respectively).CONCLUSION: Plasma ctDNA was analyzed in lung nodule assessment and early cancer detection while an algorithm combining clinical information enhanced the test performance.Clinical trial registration ID #NCT03081741.
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