Persuasive Technologies for Sustainable Smart Cities: The Case of Urban Mobility

Companion Proceedings of The 2019 World Wide Web Conference(2019)

引用 13|浏览29
In this paper, we study the effectiveness of personalized persuasive interventions to change urban travelers’ mobility behavior and nudge them towards more sustainable transport choices. More specifically, we embed a set of persuasive design elements in a route planning application and investigate how they affect users’ travel choices. The design elements take into consideration the style, the intensity, the target of persuasive interventions as well as users’ characteristics and the trip purpose. Our results show evidence that our proposed approach motivates users on a personal level to change their mobility behavior and make more sustainable choices. Furthermore, by personalizing the persuasive interventions while considering combinations of interventions styles (in our case messages and visualizations) as well as adjusting the intensity of persuasive interventions according to the trip purpose and the transport modes of the routes which the user is nudged to follow, the effects of the persuasive interventions can be increased.
Persuasive technology, design elements, personalization, smart city, sustainability, urban mobility
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