Distributed consensus-based multi-agent convex optimization via gradient tracking technique

Journal of the Franklin Institute(2019)

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This paper considers solving a class of optimization problems over a network of agents, in which the cost function is expressed as the sum of individual objectives of the agents. The underlying communication graph is assumed to be undirected and connected. A distributed algorithm in which agents employ time-varying and heterogeneous step-sizes is proposed by combining consensus of multi-agent systems with gradient tracking technique. The algorithm not only drives the agents’ iterates to a global and consensual minimizer but also finds the optimal value of the cost function. When the individual objectives are convex and smooth, we prove that the algorithm converges at a rate of O(1/t) if the homogeneous step-size does not exceed some upper bound, and it accelerates to O(1/t) if the homogeneous step-size is sufficiently small. When at least one of the individual objectives is strongly convex and all are smooth, we prove that the algorithm converges at a linear rate of O(λt) with 0 < λ < 1 even though the step-sizes are time-varying and heterogeneous. Two numerical examples are provided to demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed algorithm and to validate the theoretical findings.
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