
Relationship Between Radiocesium Absorbed by Paddy Rice and Trapped by Zinc-Substituted Prussian Blue Sheet Buried in Soil

Soil science and plant nutrition(2019)

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Rice absorbs radiocesium dissolved in soil solution. However, quantitative determination of dissolved radiocesium is difficult because large volume of water should be collected from paddy soil. We investigated whether a sheet capable of effectively trapping cesium (zinc-substituted Prussian blue (ZnPB) sheet) can be used to evaluate the level of dissolved Cs-137 to be absorbed by rice. A new device equipped with ZnPB sheet was invented to trap only radiocesium dissolved in soil solution, which is passed through a membrane filter covering the ZnPB sheet. A rice pot-culture experiment using three paddy soils with different Cs-137 concentrations and physico-chemical properties collected from Fukushima Prefecture was conducted under different fertilization or rice-planting treatments. The results showed that Cs-137 concentration in brown rice was positively correlated with the Cs-137 concentration in soil solution with a contribution ratio of regression R-2 of 0.91 and a p value less than 0.01, and also with the Cs-137-trapping rate by ZnPB sheet (amount of Cs-137 trapped by ZnPB sheet per unit area of sheet and unit time) buried in soil with a R-2 value of 0.89 and a p value less than 0.01. Moreover, field-cropping experiments conducted at the three paddy fields under conventional agricultural practices showed positive correlation between the Cs-137 concentration in brown rice and Cs-137-trapping rate by ZnPB sheet. Both the pot and field experiments showed that the 2 weeks of the early stage of rice growth is appropriate as the ZnPB buried period because K additive fertilization is still in time to restrict Cs-137 uptake by rice plant, and because the highest Cs-137-trapping rates of the ZnPB plate as compared with the following periods and high R-2 values of those regression curves. . The proposed method might be used to roughly evaluate the vulnerability of soil to Cs-137 transfer to rice and to identify the area in which effective countermeasure should be applied intensively.
(137)cs,dissolved radiocesium,zinc-substituted Prussian blue sheet,brown rice,Fukushima
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