Arginine Vasotocin (AVT)/Mesotocin (MT) Receptors in Chickens: Evidence for the Possible Involvement of AVT-AVPR1 Signaling in the Regulation of Oviposition and Pituitary Prolactin Expression.
General and Comparative Endocrinology(2019)
•The functional difference of four chicken AVT/MT receptors was examined in vitro.•AVT-induced cPOMC/cPRL expression in anterior pituitary may be mediated by AVPR1(s).•AVPR1A is abundantly and specifically expressed in the uterus of chickens and ducks.•AVT-induced oviposition is likely mediated by AVPR1A in the uterus of laying hens.
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Key words
Chicken,Arginine vasotocin,Mesotocin,AVT receptor,MT receptor
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