O3BNN: an out-of-order architecture for high-performance binarized neural network inference with fine-grained pruning

Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Supercomputing(2019)

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Binarized Neural Networks (BNN) have drawn tremendous attention due to significantly reduced computational complexity and memory demand. They have especially shown great potential in cost- and power-restricted domains, such as IoT and smart edge-devices, where reaching a certain accuracy bar is often sufficient, and real-time is highly desired. In this work, we demonstrate that the highly-condensed BNN model can be shrunk significantly further by dynamically pruning irregular redundant edges. Based on two new observations on BNN-specific properties, an out-of-order (OoO) architecture - O3BNN, can curtail edge evaluation in cases where the binary output of a neuron can be determined early. Similar to Instruction-Level-Parallelism (ILP), these fine-grained, irregular, runtime pruning opportunities are traditionally presumed to be difficult to exploit. We evaluate our design on an FPGA platform using three well-known networks, including VggNet-16, AlexNet for ImageNet, and a VGG-like network for Cifar-10. Results show that the out-of-order approach can prune 27%, 16%, and 42% of the operations for the three networks respectively, without any accuracy loss, leading to at least 1.7×, 1.5×, and 2.1× speedups over state-of-the-art BNN implementations on FPGA/GPU/CPU. Since the approach is inference runtime pruning, no retraining or fine-tuning is needed. We demonstrate the design on an FPGA platform; however, this is only for showcasing the method: the approach does not rely on any FPGA-specific features and can thus be adopted by other devices as well.
BNN, high-performance computing, machine learning, out-of-order architecture, pruning
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