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A Natural Language Interface Supporting Complex Logic Questions for Relational Databases.

Natural Language Processing and Information Systems Lecture Notes in Computer Science(2019)

Cited 4|Views385
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Natural Language Interface to Databases (NLIDB) systems accept questions in any supported natural language (i.e English) and allow users to interrogate a database. Users can access and derive information from a relational database without requirement for knowledge of database language. In this paper we introduced an NLIDB system which not only supports simple logic questions but also attempts to understand and resolve complex logic ones. The system is also equipped with a Natural Language Generation module to generate human-like description for given queries to help users to understand how a query processed and assess the correctness of the result returned. Experiment results show that our system can handle some types of complex logic questions effectively.
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Natural language interface,Natural Language Generation,Relational databases,Complex logic questions
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