Explicit Facial Expression Transfer via Fine-Grained Semantic Representations


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Facial expression transfer between two unpaired images is a challenging problem, as fine-grained expressions are typically tangled with other facial attributes such as identity and pose. Most existing methods treat expression transfer as an application of expression manipulation, and use predicted facial expressions, landmarks or action units (AUs) of a source image to guide the expression edit of a target image. However, the prediction of expressions, landmarks and especially AUs may be inaccurate, which limits the accuracy of transferring fine-grained expressions. Instead of using an intermediate estimated guidance, we propose to explicitly transfer expressions by directly mapping two unpaired images to two synthesized images with swapped expressions. Since each AU semantically describes local expression details, we can synthesize new images with preserved identities and swapped expressions by combining AU-free features with swapped AU-related features. To disentangle the images into AU-related features and AU-free features, we propose a novel adversarial training method which can solve the adversarial learning of multi-class classification problems. Moreover, to obtain reliable expression transfer results of the unpaired input, we introduce a swap consistency loss to make the synthesized images and self-reconstructed images indistinguishable. Extensive experiments on RaFD, MMI and CFD datasets show that our approach can generate photo-realistic expression transfer results between unpaired images with different expression appearances including genders, ages, races and poses.
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