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Popularity-Based Online Scaling for RAID Systems under General Settings

IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems(2020)

Cited 4|Views55
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The ever-increasing demand of storage capacity and system performance leads to the scaling requirement in redundant arrays of independent disks (RAID)-structured storage systems. Existing approaches mainly focus on minimizing data migration in offline scenario, but not consider the user accesses issued by applications. However, in online scenario, the scaling I/Os and user I/Os usually interfere with each other, and result in significant performance degradation. Thus, it is of big significance to develop an efficient online scaling scheme to mitigate the impact of I/O interference. In this paper, we propose popularity-based online scaling (POS), which exploits workload locality by scaling storage zones with high popularity in a higher priority. POS can efficiently alleviate the interference between scaling I/Os and user I/Os, and it is also general enough to scale various RAID systems like RAID-0, RAID-5, and RAID-6. It can also be readily deployed atop various conventional RAID scaling approaches to improve their performance. To demonstrate the effectiveness of POS, we implement various conventional RAID scaling approaches, and also implement POS on top of these approaches for comparison. Extensive simulations with real-world workloads show that POS can efficiently reduce the response time of user requests and scaling I/Os, and also improves the sequentiality of data accesses.
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Time factors,Interference,Silicon,Bandwidth,Layout,Measurement,Reed-Solomon codes,Data locality,online scaling,redundant arrays of independent disks (RAIDs) systems
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