Competitive analysis of the top- K ranking problem

SODA '17: Symposium on Discrete Algorithms Barcelona Spain January, 2017(2017)

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Motivated by applications in recommender systems, web search, social choice and crowdsourcing, we consider the problem of identifying the set of top K items from noisy pairwise comparisons. In our setting, we are non-actively given r pairwise comparisons between each pair of n items, where each comparison has noise constrained by a very general noise model called the strong stochastic transitivity (SST) model. We analyze the competitive ratio of algorithms for the top-K problem. In particular, we present a linear time algorithm for the top-K problem which has a competitive ratio of [EQUATION]; i.e. to solve any instance of top-K, our algorithm needs at most [EQUATION] times as many samples needed as the best possible algorithm for that instance (in contrast, all previous known algorithms for the top-K problem have competitive ratios of O(n) or worse). We further show that this is tight: any algorithm for the top-K problem has competitive ratio at least [EQUATION].
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