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Solvent Effects on the Selectivity of Palladium-Catalyzed Suzuki-Miyaura Couplings.

Emily K. Reeves, Olivia R. Bauman, Gunner B. Mitchem,Sharon R. Neufeldt

Israel journal of chemistry/Israel Journal of Chemistry(2019)

Cited 19|Views1
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The use of polar solvents MeCN or dimethylformamide (DMF) was previously shown to induce a selectivity switch in the Pd/P t Bu3-catalyzed Suzuki-Miyaura coupling of chloroaryl triflates. This phenomenon was attributed to the ability of polar solvents to stabilize anionic transition states for oxidative addition. However, we demonstrate that selectivity in this reaction does not trend with solvent dielectic constant. Unlike MeCN and DMF, water, alcohols, and several polar aprotic solvents such as MeNO2, acetone, and propylene carbonate provide the same selectivity as nonpolar solvents. These results indicate that the role of solvent on the selectivity of Suzuki-Miyaura couplings may be more complex than previously envisioned. Furthermore, this observation has the potential for synthetic value as it greatly broadens the scope of solvents that can be used for chloride-selective cross coupling of chloroaryl triflates.
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Chemoselectivity,Cross-coupling,DFT calculations,Palladium,Solvent effects
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