Automatic Planning of Multiple Itineraries: A Niching Genetic Evolution Approach

IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems(2020)

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Automatic itinerary planning is a crucial and challenging issue in tourism. This paper proposes a novel automatic planning method to suggest multiple itineraries that satisfy the specific demands of tourists. First, a multiple-itinerary planning model is developed, which provides three customized goals for a tourist to choose and supports generating multiple $D$ -day trips. The model makes fewer assumptions than the literature works did, while it provides more flexibility to the tourists. Then, based on the multiple-itinerary planning model, we design a niching genetic evolution approach to accomplish the automatic itinerary planning task. The genetic evolution approach guarantees a high search efficiency, while the niching strategy facilitates maintaining the population diversity. Consequently, the resultant algorithm can finally provide a number of diverse and superior solutions. Experimental results on real-world datasets show that our proposed algorithm not only outperforms state-of-the-art methods in considering different user-specified goals, but it is also capable of generating a set of diverse itineraries for the tourist to select. Additional experiments further verify the scalability of the proposed algorithm in terms of the problem size and the optimization objective.
Planning,IP networks,Genetic algorithms,Optimization,Urban areas,Genetics,Sociology
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