Deterministic Dynamic Matching in O (1) Update Time


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We consider the problems of maintaining an approximate maximum matching and an approximate minimum vertex cover in a dynamic graph undergoing a sequence of edge insertions/deletions. Starting with the seminal work of Onak and Rubinfeld (in: Proceedings of the ACM symposium on theory of computing (STOC), 2010), this problem has received significant attention in recent years. Very recently, extending the framework of Baswana et al. (in: Proceedings of the IEEE symposium on foundations of computer science (FOCS), 2011) , Solomon (in: Proceedings of the IEEE symposium on foundations of computer science (FOCS), 2016) gave a randomized dynamic algorithm for this problem that has an approximation ratio of 2 and an amortized update time of O (1) with high probability. This algorithm requires the assumption of an oblivious adversary , meaning that the future sequence of edge insertions/deletions in the graph cannot depend in any way on the algorithm’s past output. A natural way to remove the assumption on oblivious adversary is to give a deterministic dynamic algorithm for the same problem in O (1) update time. In this paper, we resolve this question. We present a new deterministic fully dynamic algorithm that maintains a O (1)-approximate minimum vertex cover and maximum fractional matching, with an amortized update time of O (1). Previously, the best deterministic algorithm for this problem was due to Bhattacharya et al. (in: Proceedings of the ACM-SIAM symposium on discrete algorithms (SODA), 2015); it had an approximation ratio of (2+ε ) and an amortized update time of O(log n/ε ^2) . Our result can be generalized to give a fully dynamic O(f^3) -approximate algorithm with O(f^2) amortized update time for the hypergraph vertex cover and fractional hypergraph matching problem, where every hyperedge has at most f vertices.
Dynamic algorithms,Data structures,Graph algorithms,Matching,Vertex cover
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