Extending enumerative function synthesis via SMT-driven classification

2019 Formal Methods in Computer Aided Design (FMCAD)(2019)

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Many relevant problems in formal methods can be tackled using enumerative syntax-guided synthesis (SyGuS). Algorithms for enumerative SyGuS range from universally applicable techniques based on counterexample-guided inductive synthesis (CEGIS), to more scalable but specialized techniques based on divide and conquer. This paper presents a novel algorithm for enumerative SyGuS, Unif + PI, which reaps the benefits of scalability based on divide and conquer without sacrificing generality. In this algorithm, an instance of an SMT solver is used as both a classifier and an attribute generator. Logical constraints in the form of test cases for the function-to-synthesize and failed classification attempts guide its search for new candidate solutions. We implement our approach as an extension of the CVC4SY solver and evaluate it on standard SyGuS benchmarks from different applications. We show that the new algorithm leads to significant gains in invariant synthesis with respect to state-of-the-art SyGuS solvers, and is competitive with state-of-the-art k-induction based model checking.
enumerative function synthesis,SMT-driven classification,formal methods,enumerative syntax-guided synthesis,counterexample-guided inductive synthesis,Unif + PI,divide and conquer,SMT solver,CVC4SY solver,enumerative SyGuS,function-to-synthesize classification,SyGuS solvers,k-induction based model checking,failed classification attempts
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