Big Data Infrastructure, Data Visualisation and Challenges
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Big Data and Internet of Things(2019)
The importance of Big Data is being realised worldwide with the advancement of information technologies, leveraging the capabilities of virtualization and cloud computing. Big Data infrastructure and the use of its tools and applications will significantly transform the data centers of businesses in the next decade. Data analytics is evolving with the new real-time capability of Big Data solutions to provide business intelligence for timely and effective decision making. However, Big Data poses various challenges related to the infrastructure and resource constraints, and other issues including security and privacy. This paper takes an initial step in recognizing the value of creating Big Data infrastructure for delivering high performance and scalable business intelligence in an organization. It presents the state-of-the-art tools and technologies for Big Data infrastructure and NIST framework. The advantages of data visualisation are illustrated thorough industry case scenarios. The Big Data trends and challenges are also discussed. Overall, this paper contributes to providing valuable insights unto the Big Data journey of an organization to enable a scalable infrastructure for achieving mission critical decision-making through data visualisation.
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Big Data, Big Data infrastructure, Hadoop, NoSQL database, cloud, data visualisation
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