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An accurate moving wall boundary algorithm for direct simulation of Monte Carlo in unsteady rarefied flow

He Zhang, Fanli Shan, Hong Fang, Xing Zhang, Jun Zhang, Jinghua Sun


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An accurate algorithm is proposed to improve the prediction of a particle in collision with a moving wall within the direct simulation Monte Carlo framework for the simulation of unsteady rarefied flows. This algorithm is able to predict the particle-wall collision in a coupled manner by removing the assumption employed by the approximate algorithm, in that the wall is frozen during the collision. The trajectory equation of the particle is theoretically constructed in a moving object coordinate system. It can accurately describe the geometries of the collision between a particle and an arbitrary shaped object of which the motion incorporates both translation and rotation, thus allowing to deal with complex problems. In contrast, the approximate algorithm ignores the effect of the moving wall on the particle movement during the collision and therefore induces error that is an increasing function of the wall velocity. Four rarefied flow problems are applied to validate the accurate algorithm. It is shown that the algorithm can produce results perfectly consistent with the Maxwellian theoretical solutions and ensure particle conservation to avoid gas leakage. It is also shown in a three-dimensional case of a re-entry module that the steady simulation fails to reproduce the hysteresis effect while the unsteady simulation using the accurate algorithm can do that, indicating that the unsteady simulation with an appropriate algorithm as proposed in the present work is essentially required in such applications.
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Key words
wall boundary algorithm,unsteady rarefied flow,direct simulation,monte carlo
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