
Spectroscopy of Tm:Y2O3 Transparent Ceramic at Cryogenic Temperatures

2019 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe & European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC)(2019)

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Among the excellent active media, thulium-doped yttrium oxide (Tm:Y 2 O 3 ), belonging to the sesquioxide family of laser materials, stands out because it shows very high thermal conductivity, broad gain spectra and a relatively low maximum phonon energy, which makes it very suitable for two micron laser operation in several temporal regimes [1]. However, its main limitation is the crystal growth methodology due to its high melting point making the growth of high quality crystals with large size to be a tedious and expensive task. This is confirmed by the fact that there are only few suppliers in the world. The transparent ceramic fabrication process solves these limitations and paves the way to spread the ceramic-based gain media in the future commercial solid-state laser systems [2]. Besides the substitution of the crystalline gain media by the ceramic ones, cooling them to cryogenic temperatures suppresses thermal issues and enhances the material's properties, such as thermal conductivity and transition cross-sections, being prerequisites for the development of high power lasers. To date, no deep studies on Tm:Y 2 O 3 either in crystalline or ceramic form at cryogenic temperatures are found.
thermal conductivity,broad gain spectra,relatively low maximum phononenergy,micron laser operation,temporal regimes,crystal growth methodology,high quality crystals,transparent ceramic fabrication process,ceramic-based gain media,crystalline gain media,cryogenic temperatures,high power lasers,transparent ceramic,excellent active media,thulium-doped yttrium oxide,sesquioxide family,laser materials,commercial solid-state laser systems,melting point,Tm:Y2O3
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