
PZL-10 Turboshaft Engine–System Design Review

Journals of KONES/Journal of KONES(2019)

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Abstract The PZL – 10-turboshaft gas turbine engine is straight derivative of GTD-10 turboshaft design by OKMB (Omsk Engine Design Bureau). Prototype engine first run take place in 1968. Selected engine is interested platform to modify due gas generator layout 6A+R-2, which is modern. For example axial compressor design from successful Klimov designs TB2-117 (10A-2-2) or TB3-117 (12A-2-2) become obsolete in favour to TB7-117B (5A+R-2-2). In comparison to competitive engines: Klimov TB3-117 (1974 – Mi-14/17/24), General Electric T-700 (1970 – UH60/AH64), Turbomeca Makila (1976 – II225M) the PZL-10 engine design is limited by asymmetric power turbine design layout. This layout is common to early turboshaft design such as Soloview D-25V (Mil-6 power plant). Presented article review base engine configuration (6A+R+2+1). Proposed modifications are divided into different variants in terms of design complexity. Simplest variant is limited to increase turbine inlet temperature (TIT) by safe margin. Advanced configuration replace engine layout to 5A+R+2-2 and increase engine compressor pressure ratio to 9.4:1. Upgraded configuration after modification offers increase of generated power by 28% and SFC reduction by 9% – validated by gas turbine performance model. Design proposal corresponds to a major trend of increasing available power for helicopter engines – Mi-8T to Mi-8MT – 46%, H225M – Makila 1A to 1A2 — 9%), Makila 1A2 to Makila 2-25%.
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