User-centered co-design and AGILE methodology for developing ambient assisting technologies: Study plan and methodological framework of the CAPTAIN project

2019 IEEE 23rd International Symposium on Consumer Technologies (ISCT)(2019)

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CAPTAIN project (Coach Assistant via Projected and TAngible INterface) is part of a research and innovation action, funded by the European Union, which aims at developing an innovative technology to help older adults overcoming frailties as they age. CAPTAIN will develop behavioral and Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithms to provide personalized advice, guidance and follow-up to compensate for keyage-related impairments during daily living, helping older adults to remain active and independent at their home. This will include risk avoidance, nutrition guidance, physical activity and cognitive training follow-up, guidance for lifestyle and social participation. A hybrid approach leveraging on concept from Design Thinking, Lean Startup approach and Scrum Agile framework will be followed by the project. The study plan, developed to coordinate and synchronize activities among all the different technological partners and living laboratories at pilot sites, is presented.
living lab,co-creation,participatory design,AGILE,planning
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