
Toxoplasmainfection induces microglia-neuron contact and the loss of perisomatic inhibitory synapses


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Infection and inflammation within the brain induces changes in neuronal connectivity and function. The intracellular protozoan parasite,Toxoplasma gondii, is one pathogen that infects the brain and can cause encephalitis and seizures. Persistent infection by this parasite is also associated with behavioral alterations and an increased risk for developing psychiatric illness, including schizophrenia. Current evidence from studies in humans and mouse models suggest that both seizures and schizophrenia result from a loss or dysfunction of inhibitory synapses. In line with this, we recently reported that persistentT. gondiiinfection alters the distribution of glutamic acid decarboxylase 67 (GAD67), an enzyme that catalyzes GABA synthesis in inhibitory synapses. These changes could reflect a redistribution of presynaptic machinery in inhibitory neurons or a loss of inhibitory nerve terminals. To directly assess the latter possibility, we employed serial block face scanning electron microscopy (SBFSEM) and quantified inhibitory perisomatic synapses in neocortex and hippocampus following parasitic infection. Not only did persistent infection lead to a significant loss of perisomatic synapses, it induced the ensheathment of neuronal somata by myeloid-derived cells. Immunohistochemical, genetic, and ultrastructural analyses revealed that these myeloid-derived cells included activated microglia. Finally, ultrastructural analysis identified myeloid-derived cells enveloping perisomatic nerve terminals, suggesting they may actively displace or phagocytose synaptic elements. Thus, these results suggest that activated microglia contribute to perisomatic inhibitory synapse loss following parasitic infection and offer a novel mechanism as to how persistentT. gondiiinfection may contribute to both seizures and psychiatric illness.
hippocampus,inhibitory synapse,microglia,neocortex,perisomatic synapse,Toxoplasma gondii
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