
Corrigendum to "indirect Effects of Paediatric Conjugate Vaccines on Invasive Pneumococcal Disease in Older Adults" [int J Infect Dis 86 (2019) 122-130].

International journal of infectious diseases IJID official publication of the International Society for Infectious Diseases(2019)

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The authors regret that the article was published with errors in Table 3. The Comorbidities >1 at-risk condition and >1 high-risk condition rows should be replaced with ≥1 at-risk condition and ≥1 high-risk condition, respectively. For the Serotype categories PCV13 row, the percentages, which read “54.5 and 245.5” should be replaced with “20.1 and 79.9”, respectively. For the Penicillin Susceptible row, the total number which read “284” and the percentages which read “21.5 and 78.5” should be replaced with “778” and “15.4 and 84.6”, respectively. For the Penicillin Non-susceptible row the total number which read “778” and the percentages which read “15.4 and 84.6” should be replaced with “284” and “21.5 and 78.5”, respectively. For the Cefotaxime Susceptible row, the total number which read “127” and the percentages which read “23.6 and 76.4” should be replaced with “935” and “16.1 and 83.9”, respectively. For the Cefotaxime Non-susceptible row, the total number which read “935” and the percentages which read “16.1 and 83.9” should be replaced with “127” and “23.6 and 76.4”, respectively. This article was corrected online. The authors would like to apologise for any inconvenience caused. Indirect effects of paediatric conjugate vaccines on invasive pneumococcal disease in older adultsInternational Journal of Infectious DiseasesVol. 86PreviewStreptococcus pneumoniae is a leading cause of severe disease worldwide, causing around one million deaths annually that affect mainly children and older people (Liu et al., 2016). Immunization of children with pneumococcal conjugate vaccines (PCV) has reduced the incidence of invasive pneumococcal disease (IPD) due to PCV serotypes in children, as well as in unvaccinated age groups, due to herd protection. However, other non-vaccine serotypes have emerged in children and adults (Whitney et al., 2003; Pilishvili et al., 2010; Pelton et al., 2004). Full-Text PDF Open Access
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