Beyond Photometric Consistency: Gradient-based Dissimilarity for Improving Visual Odometry and Stereo Matching

2020 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)(2020)

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Pose estimation and map building are central ingredients of autonomous robots and typically rely on the registration of sensor data. In this paper, we investigate a new metric for registering images that builds upon on the idea of the photometric error. Our approach combines a gradient orientation-based metric with a magnitude-dependent scaling term. We integrate both into stereo estimation as well as visual odometry systems and show clear benefits for typical disparity and direct image registration tasks when using our proposed metric. Our experimental evaluation indicate that our metric leads to more robust and more accurate estimates of the scene depth as well as camera trajectory. Thus, the metric improves camera pose estimation and in turn the mapping capabilities of mobile robots. We believe that a series of existing visual odometry and visual SLAM systems can benefit from the findings reported in this paper.
visual SLAM systems,photometric consistency,gradient-based dissimilarity,camera pose estimation,map building,central ingredients,autonomous robots,photometric error,gradient orientation,magnitude-dependent scaling term,stereo estimation,visual odometry systems,direct image registration tasks,robust estimates,scene depth,camera trajectory,mapping capabilities,mobile robots,sensor data registration
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