Creating an Holistic Emergency Alert Management Platform
The Journal of urban technology/Journal of urban technology(2020)
Extreme natural events require effective emergency procedures to minimize adverse effects on a region's population and economy. Such procedures typically involve the effort of several different teams of first responders (e.g., fire fighters, public administrations, police departments, utility companies), hence coordination is fundamental to the effectiveness of the response to the emergency that must be supported with adequate infrastructures. Nonetheless, first responders often rely on manual processes, in the life cycle of extreme events, which do not change consistently with the type of shock or affected population. The aim of this paper is to present a technology transfer process to improve both the emergency alert process and the knowledge of disaster-type safety procedures through the implementation of a proposed platform. We also highlight a pilot application on a post-disaster case study-the province of L'Aquila (Abruzzi) in Italy.
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Key words
Natural disasters,emergency plans,technology transfer,emergency alert management
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