Person Attribute Recognition by Sequence Contextual Relation Learning

IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology(2020)

引用 16|浏览57
Person attribute recognition aims to identify the attribute labels from the pedestrian images. Extracting contextual relation from the images and attributes, including the spatial-semantic relations, the spatial context and the semantic correlation, is beneficial to enhance the discrimination of the features for recognizing the attributes. Thus, this work proposes a sequence contextual relation learning (SCRL) method to capture these relations. It first embeds the images and attributes into sequences in two branches. Then SCRL flexibly learns the contextual relation from the sequences with the parallel attention model structure, which integrates the inter-attention and intra-attention models. The inter-attention module is utilized to extract the spatial-semantic relations, while the intra-attention is designed to gain the spatial context and the semantic correlation. Both attention modules are comprised of several parallel attention units and each unit can obtain the pairwise relations in one subspace. Therefore, they obtain the relations in multiple subspaces, which can improve the comprehensiveness of the relation learning. Additionally, for the sake of better extraction of spatial-semantic relations, this paper employs connectionist temporal classification (CTC) loss which is capable of driving the network to enforce monotonic alignment between the image and attribute. It can also accelerate the convergence of the network by the algorithm in it. Extensive experiments on five public datasets, i.e., Market-1501 attribute, Duke attribute, PETA, RAP and PA-100K datasets, demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.
Semantics,Task analysis,Feature extraction,Correlation,Image recognition,Image sequences,Strips
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