The Long-term Cost of Energy Generation

e-Energy '20: The Eleventh ACM International Conference on Future Energy Systems Virtual Event Australia June, 2020(2020)

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We propose a method to minimize the long-term cost of energy generation while improving grid stability. Currently, the cost of energy generation is minimized myopically (day by day) via the economic dispatch problem, which i) does not internalize the effects of generation variability, ii) does not account for the long-term effects of losing too many existing (paid off) conventional plants, and iii) has the detrimental impact of not systematically maintaining grid inertia. The current dispatch solution favors low cost but inherently more variable renewables, which require intermittent back-up from either conventionals or expensive peakers. We first propose our Augmented Dispatch for Inertia method which incorporates the cost of maintaining grid inertia stability directly in the economic dispatch selection, thus more accurately capturing the impact of renewable energy growth and conventional plant retirements. Second, to address the long-term loss of conventional plants due to their underuse, we propose our Balanced Dispatch algorithm that selects key, future-needed conventional generators with enough frequency to maintain their viability. We show via simulation that our methods result in substantially lower long-term generation cost and a notable increase in grid resilience.
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