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Spectral Clustering Algorithm Based on Improved Gaussian KernelFunctionandBeetleAntennaeSearchwithDampingFactor

Zhe Zhang,Xiyu Liu,Lin Wang

Computational intelligence and neuroscience(2020)

Cited 12|Views12
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There are two problems in the traditional spectral clustering algorithm. Firstly, when it uses Gaussian kernel function to construct the similarity matrix, different scale parameters in Gaussian kernel function will lead to different results of the algorithm. Secondly, K-means algorithm is often used in the clustering stage of the spectral clustering algorithm. It needs to initialize the cluster center randomly, which will result in the instability of the results. In this paper, an improved spectral clustering algorithm is proposed to solve these two problems. In constructing a similarity matrix, we proposed an improved Gaussian kernel function, which is based on the distance information of some nearest neighbors and can adaptively select scale parameters. In the clustering stage, beetle antennae search algorithm with damping factor is proposed to complete the clustering to overcome the problem of instability of the clustering results. In the experiment, we use four artificial data sets and seven UCI data sets to verify the performance of our algorithm. In addition, four images in BSDS500 image data sets are segmented in this paper, and the results show that our algorithm is better than other comparison algorithms in image segmentation.
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