
Error Analysis on Reading Comprehension at Vocational School

Rani Juliana Tamba,Hilman F. Pardede

The Explora A Triannual Journal of English Language Teaching (ELT) and Linguistics(2023)

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This research was conducted to know the students’ errors in reading comprehension from 25 students as the sample, there are 15 students have difficulties in identifying main idea, 5 students have difficulties in identifying name, 22 students have difficulties in identifying spesific word, 7 students have difficulties in finding reference, and 22 students have difficulties in understanding the structure of the text. It can be seen from the high number of percentage of participants who answered wrong on every question of the test.This research is a case study and it uses descriptive quantitative method. The subjects of the research are fifty fife students of the ten grade students at SMK SWASTA Palapa, Pancur Batu, Pancur Batu who are detected as having difficulties in understanding English reading descriptive text and an English teacher who handles the classes. The test were used as the instruments of this study. The test was used to obtain the data about the students’ difficulties in understanding English reading descriptive text.The finding shows that the majority of the students find difficulties in identifying main idea of the text, more than half of students made mistake in identifying specific word in the text and many students cannot understand the structure of the text. Whereas, the factors causing the students’ difficulties in understanding English reading descriptive text are learners’ background, teaching technique,.and the learners’ environment.
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