
Study of the q ( l % ‘ ~ ) State of Charmonium Formed in pp Annihilations and a Search for the 4 ( 2 % ‘ 0 ) .

A. T., Armstrong,D. Bettoni, V. Bharadwajr,C. Biino, G. Blanford, G., Borreani, D. Broemmelsiek,A. Buzzo,R. Calabrese,A. Ceccucci, Cester, M., ’ Church,P. Dalpiaz, F. P., Dalpiaz, D. Dimitroyannis, Fabbri,J. Fast,A. Gianoli, M. C., Ginsburg,K. Gollwitzer,G. Govi,’ A.Hahn, M. HasanG, S. Hsuehl,E. Luppi,M. Macri, M. A., Majewska,M. Mandelkern,F. Marchetto, M. Marinelli, J., Marques, W., ’ Marsh,M. Martini, M. Masuzawa,E. Menichetti,A. Migliori, R., Mussa,S. Palestini,M. Pallavicini,S. Passaggio,N. Pastrone, C. Patrignani, J. Peoples,F. Petrucci,M. G. Pia, S. Pordesr, P. Rapidisr,R. Ray, ’ Reid,G. Rinaudo, B. ROCCUZZO,J. Rosen,A. Santroni, M. Sarmiento, ’ M.Savrie, A. Scalisi,J. Schultz,K. K. Seth,A. Smith, ’ G.A.Smith, S. Trokenheim,M. F. Weber,’ S.Werkema,’ Y.Zhang,J. Zhao, Zioulas


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The E760 collaboration performed an experiment in the Antiproton Accumulator at Fermilab to study the two photon decay of the q,( I’&) charmonium state formed in pp annihilations. This resulted in a new measurement of the mass, IL& = 2988.3fz::MeV/c2 and of of the product B(Q + pp) x I’(Q + 77) = (S.l+~:~) eV. We performed a search for the process pp + ~$.(2~&) + yy over a limited range of center of mass energies. Since no signal was observed, we derived upper limits on the product of branching ratios B(qL + PP> x WI:: + rr> in the center-ofmass energy range 3584 5 fi 5 3624 MeV. We observed no signal for the non-resonant process p + p + y + y and obtain upper limits.
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