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E-Government Technologies for Managing National Security and Defense


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INTroDucTIoN The advances in the development of net-centric approaches to all aspects of government have had major impacts in how government personnel operate day to day. This is particularly true for individuals functioning in the domains of national security and defense. There has been a broad impact on the organizational behavior and management in most military and intelligence communities. Effective understanding of these technologies, their future potentials, and how they will be integrated in the organizations is essential to reaching critically important goals in national security and defense. Information is now as important as tanks, ships, and aircraft in any nation’s defense. Rapid access to data and, more importantly, management of the sharing of data are significant to addressing both conventional and non-conventional threats. Emerging e-government technologies are transforming how nations manage their defense and intelligence functions. This special issue includes articles covering a number of these relevant technologies and applications for e-government.
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