
Efficacy of draksha

Yogita Deepak Khore,Subodh Patil


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Nowadays human lifestyle turned unhealthy due to consumption of high protein diet, junk food, stress, metabolic disorders etc. People do not follow healthy lifestyle described in Ayurveda i.e. Dincharya, Rutucharya, Aahar, Vihar, Vatrakta is vridhh and obstructed Vatain turn vitiates the whole Rakta manifest as Vatrakta, in modern correlated with Gout. Vatraktais metabolic disorder, in which recurrent attack of acute inflammatory arthritis caused by elevated level of uric acid in the blood (hyperuricemia). The uric acid crystallizes and deposits in joints. It is characterized by severe pain, tenderness, inflammation and burning sensation in the affected joints. In present situation the number of Vatrakta patients are increasing day by day. In Vatrakta vitiated doshas are Vata and Rakta dhatu, this disease caused by different etiological factors. The etiological factors responsible for Gouty arthritis, pathology and clinical features are similar with Vatrakta. The patients having classical signs and symptoms of Vatrakta were selected from OPD of Dept. of Panchkarma in Smt. K. C. Ajmera Ayurved Hospital, in present study 10 patients of Vatrakta were selected according to Inclusive criteria and were treated with Draksha Kashaya for Virechana, dose of (Erand tail 40ml, and Draksha Kashaya 40ml) used for Virechana. After 17 days course of Virechana, we found 60% relief in stiffness and tenderness and 50% relief in swelling and pains. Also, Uric acid decreased slightly after treatment. Keyword: Draksha Kashaya, ErandTail, Virechana,Vatrakta, Gout.
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