
The role of classical and alternative non-homologous end joining pathways in the repair of dysfunctional telomeres

Rekha Rai, Hong Zheng, Hua He, Ying Luo,Asha Multani,Phillip Carpenter,Sandy Chang


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Thank you for submitting your manuscript on alternative NHEJ pathways operating on dysfunctional telomeres for consideration by The EMBO Journal. We have now finally heard back from three experts that had agreed to review it. As you will see, all three find your results interesting and potentially suitable for publication in The EMBO Journal, but they also all raise a number of substantive points that would clearly need to be satisfactorily addressed before publication may be warranted. Several of these criticisms pertain to aspects of presentation and discussion, also in relation to the already available literature; other issues however also concern the experiments and their interpretation. We therefore have to conclude that the study may only become suitable for publication in our journal if both of these aspects are adequately improved, which will also require additional experimental data. Should you be able to provide the required additional support for the conclusions and to improve the manuscript along the lines suggested by all three reviewers, we should be happy to consider a revised version for publication. Please be however reminded that it is EMBO Journal policy to allow a single round of major revision only, and that it will thus be important to diligently answer to all the various experimental and editorial points raised at this stage if you wish the paper ultimately to be accepted! Finally, when preparing your letter of response, please also bear in mind that this will form part of the Peer Review Process File, and will therefore be available online to the community in the case of publication (for more details on our Transparent Editorial Process initiative, please visit our website: In any case, please do not hesitate to get back to us should you need feedback on any issue regarding your revision.
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