Digital Youth Seattle Think Tank: White Paper

Fisher, KE, Davis, K., Yip, J., Dahya, N., Mills, JE, & Eisenberg, MB (May 2016). Digital Youth Seattle Think Tank: White paper. Seattle, WA: The Information School, University of Washington(2016)

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Every generation faces a world different from previous ones because that world is the culmination of all that came before. However, the pace of human discovery, invention, and innovation has accelerated exponentially over millennia. Today—in the early 21st century—we live in an increasingly digital environment. This environment is characterized by instant and continual access to information of all kinds, improved tools for creating, processing, and making sense of information, and new capabilities for communicating and sharing information with anyone, anywhere, at any time. For those of us concerned about the lives, education, and aspirations of young people, understanding the nature and scope of these revolutionary developments and their impact on every aspect of life is crucial.
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