
Assessment of a Highly Curated Somatic Oncology Database to Aid in the Interpretation of Clinically Important Variants in Next-Generation Sequencing Results

The Journal of Molecular Diagnostics(2020)

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This study evaluated the accuracy of NAVIFY Mutation Profiler, a cloud-based CE-IVD software that aids in interpreting clinically relevant variants detected in somatic oncology next-generation sequencing tests. This tool reports tiered classifications based on different levels of clinical evidence from a highly curated, regularly updated database derived from medical guidelines, drug approvals, and peer-reviewed literature. A retrospective analysis was performed on next-generation sequencing results from 37 lung cancer cases treated with chemotherapy (n = 10), EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI) (n = 5), or ALK TKI (n = 22). Several aspects were assessed, including accuracy of interpretation compared with manual curation, validity of curation content updates over time, and agreement with public databases. For chemotherapy cases with no targetable biomarkers, NAVIFY Mutation Profiler did not identify any targeted therapies. In EGFR and ALK TKI cases, the software associated appropriate targeted therapies and accurately interpreted variant combinations containing drug-resistance variants. Of the nine unique ALK mutations conferring resistance to crizotinib, NAVIFY Mutation Profiler provided correct annotation for all mutations, whereas OncoKB and Catalogue of Somatic Mutations in Cancer indicated crizotinib resistance for eight of nine mutations. For 145 variants analyzed, NAVIFY Mutation Profiler and OncoKB showed substantial agreement (Cohen kappa = 0.62) for classifying actionable mutations. Furthermore, NAVIFY Mutation Profiler presented accurate targeted therapies across different regions and remained up-to-date with evolving regional approvals and medical guidelines.
somatic oncology database,clinically important variants,next-generation
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