Quasi-polynomial-time algorithm for Independent Set in $P_t$-free and $C_{>t}$-free graphs via shrinking the space of connecting subgraphs


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In a recent work, Gartland and Lokshtanov [FOCS 2020] gave a quasi-polynomial-time algorithm for Maximum Weight Independent Set in $P_t$-free graphs, that is, graphs excluding a path on $t$ vertices as an induced subgraph. Their algorithm runs in time $n^{O(\log^3 n)}$, where $t$ is assumed to be a~constant. Inspired by their ideas, we present an arguably simpler algorithm with an improved running time bound of $n^{O(\log^2 n)}$. Our main insight is that a connected $P_t$-free graph always contains a vertex $w$ whose neighborhood intersects, for a constant fraction of pairs $\{u,v\} \in \binom{V(G)}{2}$, a constant fraction of induced $u-v$ paths. Since a $P_t$-free graph contains $O(n^{t-1})$ induced paths in total, branching on such a vertex and recursing independently on the connected components leads to a quasi-polynomial running time bound. In a subsequent and very recent work, Gartland and Lokshtanov [arXiv:2007.11402] extended their ideas to $C_{> t}$-free graphs: graphs that do not contain a cycle on more than $t$ vertices as an induced subgraph. They obtained an algorithm for Maximum Weight Independent Set in this graph class with running time $n^{O(\log^5 n)}$. We show that it is possible to combine their ideas with our new understanding, and thus obtain an algorithm that runs in time $n^{O(\log^4 n)}$. We also show how to use the same approach to obtain quasi-polynomial-time algorithms for related problems, including Maximum Weight Induced Matching and 3-Coloring, in $P_t$-free and $C_{>t}$-free~graphs.
subgraphs,independent set,algorithm,quasi-polynomial-time
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