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Automatic Non-Contact Monitoring of the Respiratory Rate of Neonates Using a Structured Light Camera.

Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society(2020)

Cited 5|Views1
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This paper introduces an automatic non-contact monitoring method for measuring the respiratory rate of neonates using a structured light camera. The current monitoring bears several issues causing pressure marks, skin irritations and eczema. A structured light camera provides distance data. Our non-contact approach detects the thorax area automatically using a plane segmentation and calculates the respiratory rate from the movement of the thorax. Our method was tested and validated using the baby simulator SimBaby by Laerdal. We used different breathing rates corresponding to preterm neonates, mature neonates and babies aged up to nine months as well as two different breathing modes with differing breathing strokes. Furthermore, measurements were taken of two positions: the baby lying on its back and on its stomach.
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Humans,Infant,Infant, Newborn,Movement,Respiration,Respiratory Rate,Thorax
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