Cross-Modal Omni Interaction Modeling for Phrase Grounding

MM '20: The 28th ACM International Conference on Multimedia Seattle WA USA October, 2020(2020)

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Phrase grounding aims to localize the objects described by phrases in a natural language specification. Previous works model the interaction of inputs from text modality and visual modality only in the intra-modal global level and consequently lacks the ability to capture the precise and complete context information. In this paper, we propose a novel Cross-Modal Omni Interaction network (COI Net) composed of a neighboring interaction module, a global interaction module, a cross-modal interaction module and a multilevel alignment module. Our approach formulates the complex spatial and semantic relationship among image regions and phrases through multi-level multi-modal interaction. We capture the local relationship using the interaction among neighboring regions and then collect the global context through the interaction among all regions using a transformer encoder. We further use a co-attention module to apply the interaction between two modalities to gather the cross-modal context for all image regions and phrases. In addition to the omni interaction modeling, we also leverage a straightforward yet effective multilevel alignment regularization to formulate the dependencies among all grounding decisions. We extensively validate the effectiveness of our model. Experiments show that our approach outperforms existing state-of-the-art methods by large margins on two popular datasets in terms of accuracy: 6.15% on Flickr30K Entities (71.36% increased to 77.51%) and 21.25% on ReferItGame (44.91% increased to 66.16%). The code of our implementation is available at
phrase grounding, visual and language, supervised learning, attention mechanism
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