Diverter-Guider Recurrent Network for Diverse Poems Generation from Image

MM '20: The 28th ACM International Conference on Multimedia Seattle WA USA October, 2020(2020)

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Poem generation from image aims to automatically generate the poetic sentences for presenting the image content or overtone. Previous works focused on 1-to-1 image-poem generation with the demands of poeticness and content relevance. This paper proposes the paradigm of multiple poems generation from one image, which is closer to human poetizing but more challenging. Its key problem is to simultaneously guarantee the diversity of multiple poems with poeticness and relevance. To this end, we propose an end-to-end probabilistic Diverter-Guider Recurrent Network (DG-Net), which is a context-based encoder-decoder generative model with the hierarchical stochastic variables. Specifically, the diverter-variable represents the decoding-context inferred from the input image to diversify the poem themes; the guider-variable is introduced as an attribute decoder to restricts the word-choice with supervised information. Extensive experiments on automatic evaluations and human judgments demonstrate the superior performance of DG-Net than existing poem generation methods. Qualitative study show that our model can generate diverse poems with the poeticness and relevance.
Poem generation, recurrent network, stochastic latent variables
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